💻/🖥️/📱 Don't Store your Browsing History
Last updated on : 2021-06-15
If your site visits are sensitive, it's best not to keep a record of it anywhere. Not even on your computer, which might be confiscated.
What you should prepare
- Have completed your 💻-🖥️-📱 Install Brave or Firefox.
- Choose one of the two options of preventing your browsing activity from being stored:
- Don't store any history - Simple, no history is ever kept beyond your current session, so as soon as you close all browser windows, it is erased.
- Control what visits are stored - By using your browser's "Private Window" mode ("Private Windows" on Brave and Firefox, "Incognito" on Chrome, and "InPrivate" on Edge), you can prevent your site visits from being recorded in your history.
For the first option, you only need to set a browser setting once, for the second option you need to decide which mode (Private/Non-Private) to use each time.
What you should do
So depending on your device, browser and how you want to avoid tracking history, you can do one of the following:
1. Don't keep any history
Learn how to 💻-🖥️-📱 Clear your Browser History, or setup your browser to automatically do it for you.
2. Use Private Windows
Learn how to 💻-🖥️-📱 Browse with Private Windows, so your site visits are not added to your broser's history.