💻/🖥️ Add Email Account to Thunderbird

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Last updated on : 2021-06-12


What you should know

What you should prepare

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In case you get stuck with our instructions, there's also a Official YouTube video which steps you through installing Thunderbird.

What you should do

1. Add your email account to Thunderbird

  1. Open Thunderbird
  2. If this is your first time opening Thunderbird, you'll be prompted to add an account.
    • Note: If this is not your first time, select File > New > Existing Mail Account to start the email account setup.
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  3. Click "Skip this and use my existing email"
  4. Provide your name, the email address you want to add and the password for that address, and click "Continue"
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  5. If you are using one of the popular email account providers, the email settings will be detected automatically. Click "Done".
  6. Note: If the settings are not detected, you are probably using a custom email domain or an unusual provider. Please contact your organisation's IT support to understand "what settings to use for IMAP and SMTP" - they will understand this question and hopefully provide you with the correct settings. If you don't have IT support, search for IMAP and SMTP + the name of your email account provider and provide those settings in "Manual config".
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  7. Thunderbird may redirect you to authenticate with your email provider - this happens for example when you are using a Gmail address. Click "Next" , and provide your password. Click next again.
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  8. If you were required to authenticate (e.g. with Gmail), you'll be shown which permissions Thunderbird wants to use. Click "Allow" to accept Thunderdbird's access.
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  9. Great! you've now added your email account - it should show up in the left pane. Click on Inbox to start downloading your emails.

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In case you get stuck with our instructions, there's an Official YouTube. Mozilla also provides an official guide to setup and use Gmail with Thunderbird, it has some additional tips on how to use it.

Source : Mozilla