📱 iOS - Setup File Vault

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Last updated on : 2021-06-12


The developer of the app we will use is based within the jurisdiction of the United States of America - if your potential adversaries include the US authorities, use an alternative app to achieve the same result.


What you should know

What you should do

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1. Install the Private Photo Vault

  1. Install the Private Photo Vault from the App Store.
  2. Open Private Photo Vault
  3. You'll be greeted with the tutorial on how to setup the vault, click "Start"
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  4. Set a Passcode, and confirm the passcode.
  5. Click "Next" and "I agree" on the following screens.
  6. You're Setup!
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2. Add existing files to the Calculator Photo Vault

With the vault unlock, i.e. the first screen you land on when you open the app:

  1. Tap "+"
  2. Select "Import"
  3. Select the Albums and or photos you want to imports
  4. Confirm that the photos / videos have been added in the vault.
  5. Delete the photos / videos from the gallery outside the vault.