💻-🖥️ Install Cloud Sync

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Last updated on : 2021-06-18


What you should do

1. Install on your Computer

  1. Visit the Official Page.
  2. Confirm that you have the right version (Windows or macOS) and click "Download"
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  3. Download and launch the installer, and follow the instructions, clicking "Accept", "Next", "Install" or "Finish" on all screens.
  4. Cryptomator will launch it finishes installing. This may prompt you to "Allow access", click "Allow Access"
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    5.Great! You've installed Cryptomator, and are ready to 💻-🖥️ Encrypt Cloud Drives with Cryptomator
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2. (Optional) Install on your Phone (💵)

Cryptomator is also available on mobile, the iOS app is free, but the Android app costs 10 Euros.