📱 iOS - Export Chats from Whatsapp

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Last updated on : 2021-06-12


This method may result in the loss of your messages, if your chat is over 40000 message as WhatsApp sets that as the upper limit for the built-in export. For full export, use a tool like iTransor.


What you should know

What you should do

1. Export chat history

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Go to the Chat your want to export
  3. Tap on the contact name on the top of the screen.
  4. From the list of options, select “More” and then “Export chat”.
  5. You would then be asked whether you would like to export chat with or without media.
    Pasted image 20210612042754.png
  6. After decisiong, select the email service that you would like to use to send out the email containing the chat data. The data will get attached to the email and you can send it to any email address of your choice.
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Sources : WhatsApp