📱 Android - Connect to Windows 10

Last updated on : 2021-06-11


What you should prepare

What you should do

  1. Just plug your phone into any open USB port on the computer.
  2. Turn on your phone's screen and unlock the device.
  3. Open your notifications, and you should see a notification about the "current USB connection"
  4. Bu default, it'll tell you your phone is connected "only for charging".

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  1. Tap the notification and select "Transfer files" or "File transfer" in the menu that appears.
    • Note: If you are only going to transfer media files, you can also use the "Transfer photos" (sometimes listed as "PTP") option, which'll treat your phone like a digital camera.
  2. Go to your computer and on Windows open up a "File Explorer" window using any of the following methods:
    • Click the "File Explorer" icon in your taskbar
    • Open the Start menu and click "This PC" or "Computer"
    • Click the "This PC", "Computer", or "My Computer" icon on your desktop

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  1. Then look for an icon representing your phone alongside other portable devices and drives. Click or double-click that icon, and ta-da! You're staring at your Android phone's internal storage.
  2. You can now click around and browse folders, drag and drop files between your phone and computer.

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Source: ComputerWorld