📱 Android - Backup Signal

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Last updated on : 2021-06-12


What you should do

1. Enable backups

  1. Tap on the profile icon to access Signal Settings profile_avatar.png > Chats > Chat backups > Turn on.
    • For Android OS version 9 or earlier, go to step 3.
  2. For Android OS version 10 or later, select "Choose folder" and choose where to save the backup file.
  3. Copy the 30-digit passphrase from left to right, top to bottom. You will need this passphrase in order to restore a backup. Keep it in a safe place.
  4. Confirm that you have written down the passphrase.
  5. Select Enable backups.
  6. Tap Create backup. You can verify whether or not a backup has completed successfully by checking the time of the last backup.

2. Store the backups

  1. Signal displays where you can find the backup under the title Backup folder. Go to that folder.
  2. Move or save a copy of the backup on a device that is not your phone. Since your Chat History is now backed up into a file, you can follow the "Files to Local Storage" or "Files to Cloud" instruction mentioned in the 💻-🖥️-📱 Archive or Destroy Your Data guide.

Sources : Signal