💻/🖥️/📱 Export Chats from Facebook Messenger

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Last updated on : 2021-06-12


What you should do

You can do this either in the mobile App as in the desktop version of Facebook.

1. Export all chats

  1. Open your Facebook account and click on the small triangle in the top right corner of your screen
  2. Click on "Settings".
  3. Click on "Your Facebook Information“
  4. Click on "Download a copy of your information“

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On this page you can select the data you want to download from Facebook.

  1. Click "Deselect All“
  2. Tick the box in the "Messages“ section to download your chats only.
  3. Click on "Create File" in the top right corner.

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  1. Once your chats are ready for download, Facebook sends you a notification.
  2. Click it to access the downloads summary.

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2. Store the backups

  1. If you want to use the downloaded file for archival purposes, please refer to the "Files to Local Storage" or "Files to Cloud" instructions mentioned in the 💻-🖥️-📱 Archive or Destroy Your Data guide.

Sources : ZappTales