💻/🖥️ Export Chats from Telegram

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Last updated on : 2021-06-12


What you should know

What you should prepare

What you should do

Export Individual chats

  1. Open the Telegram Desktop application.
  2. Go to the chat that you intend to export and click on the 3 dots on the top right corner.
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  3. Click on Export chat history
  4. Check the options based on your preferences, and select other options (such as Size limit, Download path, etc.)
    Pasted image 20210612033523.png
  5. Click on Export

Export all chats

  1. Open the Telegram Desktop application.
  2. Go to Settings > Advanced > Export Telegram data.
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  3. Select which data you wish to export
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  4. Select "Human-readable HTML" is you want to be able to read it easily, or (advanced only 👩‍💻) "Machine-readable JSON" if you want to import it into another application.
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Sources : Quora